Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tools and Curriculum


 go2web20....At first it was overwhelming.  It makes one realize the breadth of what is out there for 2.0 applications.  I found it nicely organized.  The tags definately helped to navigate, as a lot of the sites were not educational applications.


E-readers.  I went to a book store and played around with them, but I just can't do it!  I love to hold a "real book" in my hand. 

I haven't worked in a school that uses E-readers yet.  I do, however have my reservations about having them available for all students.   I currently work at a school that has over 100 notebook laptops available for check-out.  Most days there are about 40 available for check-out.  Many are sent our for repairs, or just are not returned in the 24 hour time frame students are granted.  When they are damaged, it takes a lot of time to figure out who is paying..and the device is not available for students.  Although E-readers have value I think it is difficult to make them a main part of the school environment. 


Tools and Curriculum.  It's a tough balance to determine when you are using a tool, because its technology (and fun!), or if it is truly adding value.  I believe it is a good idea to "mix it up" and add things to the textbook reading!  On a personal note, as I was preparing this weeks assignment, my husband said  "I wannna (sic) learn like that. "  Balance is the key

1 comment:

  1. Wow, at some point I want to talk to you about the laptop loaning program at your school. We are starting a 1 to 1 laptop program at my school next year and your blog post chilled my blood a little! Also, your husband sounds like an excellent student!
