Wednesday, January 26, 2011


When required to open a Twitter account for this class, I found that  I had already had one!  In all honesty, my previous  uses for Twitter were for entertainment purposes..winning contests...showing up somewhere so I could win something.  It took a long night of researching to get a handle on how Twitter can actually impact education.  My biggest misconcomption was that Twitter was only a "cell  phone thing". I still struggle with Twitter as an educational tool, however, there are many resources to instruct how to use Twitter as classroom resource.  I was amazed to find that there is a whole Twitter Dictionary!


  1. Here I am saying Emmy got me thinking and you are doing the same thing! It is funny that you focused on the cell phone aspect when I was just the opposite until last year. I think there must be something to the idea that the context in which you use a tool colors the way in which you perceive it.

  2. I also used Twitter for entertainment and news, but not for educational applications. I made a new account for this class.
